What will happen to the mobile gaming industry in the coming years?


1 Oct, 2021


4 min read

mobile gaming

The mobile gaming industry is gaining momentum in the present era. There’s a wide range of gaming lovers who are always on the hunt for new and thrilling games. The gaming industry has become smarter than ever, and we can see that traditional gaming platforms have evolved into digital ones. This shift allows players to communicate, watch live-streamed events, make purchases in-game progress and for new features, and enjoy a classic gaming experience while listening to music.

It’s no wonder why IT companies are focused on creating innovative and attention-grabbing games that offer a top-notch user experience. Today, thousands of video games, AR/VR games have become an entertaining source for us. Since the gaming market is growing rapidly, it’s worth exploring the scenario further to see what’s in store for us in the future in the gaming sector.

Let’s get an idea of the demographics, ages, and time spent on gaming from Statista.

  • The 2021 survey shows that 38% of video game players are aged between 18 and 34 years, and 7% of them are 65 years and older.
  • In 2018, the survey showed that gamers, specifically Americans in the age bracket of 15 to 19, spent an average of 49 minutes on gaming as their leisure time activity.
  • The least time spent on gaming was recorded for people in the age bracket of 45 to 54 years, who spent a maximum of 10 minutes on PC games.
  • Another survey reported that 11.6 % of gamers played video games more than 20 hours a week, and 11.4% spent 12 to 20 hours on gaming per week.

Specific Gender Interest in Gaming

Gaming has become more than a hobby or leisurely activity. It has become a passion for men and women.



It is observed that males show more interest and spend more time on weekdays and on weekends playing games on their PCs.

On the female side, the rise of female gamers has been recorded in recent years, particularly in 2019, 46 % of PC and video gamers in the US were female.

Worldwide Impact of OVCGs

Videos and PC games have been competing with each other for a long time. These games have played a vital role in connecting nations and regions. In the mid-1990s, online video and computer games (OVCGs) began to appear across the US.

OVCGs connect people globally as they can be played through server connections that make your geographic location.  These games involve many players globally and support peer-to-peer communications. Multiplayer communication offers you the chance to meet people from distinct cultures and countries.

While OVCGs require a substantial monetary investment and a degree of technical proficiency, they are convenient to play and are the fastest-growing segment of the gaming industry.

To explore more details, few days back we published Upcoming Mobile Game Development Trends of 2021.

Game Reskinning

What is Game Reskinning?

Game reskinning is the process of creating a new game by using your existing game’s source code. In other words, game reskinning is like dressing up with more features and accessories with the same body. Reskinning offers more exciting features and abilities while using older source code. This is the reason why some games have the same progression and philosophy. Reskinning saves time and money, as new code development from scratch can take months.

Game reskinning must be organized, and it should only be left in the hands of expert developers who know how to utilize old source code for building incredible new game apps with exciting features. For instance, Data Hop was reskinned to build a simple and exciting game, Pet Hop. This game is modified so that it is visually more appealing with graphics and thrilling features.

Some Immediate Advantages of Game Reskinning

The following is a list of details that are generally associated with game reskinning:

  • Shorter development time
  • More monetization
  • Lower development cost and risks
  • More creativity and time to explore more innovations
  • Offers a better competitive edge and efficiency
  • Improves engagements

Mobile Gaming Market Value – A Recent Report

At present, mobile gaming has more demand than console and PC gaming markets combined. Mobile gaming grew $98 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to $272 billion by 2030. On the other hand, PC and console games combined contributed nearly 57% of the $173 billion.

Mobile Gaming Market

Statistics Abstracted from Statista

Sounds interesting? Planning to invest? See how you can hire a game developer for your first game app.

The Future of Mobile Gaming

The above-mentioned chart clearly shows that the global gaming market is expected to generate revenues of up to $175 billion and is projected to exceed $200 billion by the end of 2023. So, it’s no wonder why the rate of mobile game development will not slow down in the future as well. However, people are more concerned about platform selection for mobile game development.

No matter what platform you choose – whether you wish to develop Android or iOS games – both platforms have their own specifications, a separate fan base, and unique benefits.

If you want to rely on in-app purchases for your game monetization, your go-to platform is iOS. When you plan to display advertisements as part of your monetization strategy, it’s best to leverage the android platform. To that end, both platforms aim to keep up their pace in the game development market. And what counts here is the quality of your game app.

Apart from that, there are other platforms available for game development too, such as like cross-platform games, MS Windows, and a few others on which you can build 2D/3D multiplayer games, VR/AR games, video games, etc.

In the socially active era, the mobile gaming industry aims to create more social games, like Call of Duty, PUBG, Destiny 2 companion, Divinity, and many more. These games have been popular and point game developers in the right direction as to what the market demands are.

If you are a gamer or a game developer, be sure to read Game Theory’s Decision Making: A Fundamental Element of Mobile Game Development.

A Simple Ingredient that Fulfills Your User Demands

Games have become a crucial part of our lives, and the latest cutting-edge technologies have taken the gaming industry so far that it has made our lives quite entertaining.

Games with exceptional design and innovative features have the best chance of success. If you’re looking to build a game, keep it simple to ensure that you get everything working. However, you must also make sure that the game you want to develop promises gamers excitement that keeps them riveted.



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