Factors to Consider During HTML5 Game Development Implementation


10 Mar, 2023


3 min read

Factors to Consider During HTML5 Game Development Implementation

In recent years, HTML5 has risen in popularity, making it a valuable asset in the game development process. However, developers must adapt to the subsequent increase in users going from smartphone browsers to apps in terms of usage.

Although there is already a wealth of resources dedicated to the specifics of various approaches to developing HTML5 games, it is vital to know about the governing factors in implementing HTML5 amongst the growing web traffic.

The following factors govern the execution of HTML5 during the game development phase:

Tweaking the Development Strategy

One of the most important considerations for HTML5 game development is that a mobile approach will typically differ from a desktop strategy for reasons outside hardware constraints and variations.

A journal app, for instance, has very different use cases on a smartphone than on a desktop computer. Users are less inclined to spend several hours writing a journal post on a phone app rather than its desktop counterpart.

So, comprehensive HTML5 game development services must be well-equipped with both sides of the equation in terms of product development strategy.

The Game Application Presentation

Due to the unique characteristics of human-computer interaction on mobile devices, special care must be taken into consideration when creating the program’s interface.

For instance, when exploring a website, most users will freely hover the mouse cursor across the display to find out what may be clicked and interacted with.

For computer games, when the cursor is over an action element, it will alter to indicate that the user can perform some action by clicking on it. It’s not possible in the same way on smartphones. Gamers shouldn’t be misled, confused, or tricked to play games because of poor application presentation.

Screen Orientation

The fact that screen orientation will be drastically reduced when making a mobile-friendly game version using HTML5, a solid grip on modern HTL5 game development tools to adapt to different screen sizes is necessary.

As there is a limit to how much data can be communicated simultaneously, fewer data and content need to be displayed. The browser can automatically adjust the viewport’s orientation to match the user’s current screen orientation, making it easier for DOM-based web apps to adapt to screen rotations.

The coordinate system of HTML5’s Canvas is unaffected by a screen rotation in an HTML5 application that uses it. As a result, developers will have to manually handle the orientation of the canvas’ coordinate frame if they want a game to play sideways on a landscape view and upwards on a portrait view.

Browser Variations

Just because you’ve shifted your web development activities towards mobile devices doesn’t mean browser compatibility difficulties will disappear. A mobile browser does offer crucial functionalities, but its performance still needs to be improved.

Despite the inherent diversity among mobile browsers, HTML5 game development services must focus on the feature parity between desktop and mobile browsers regarding the HTML5 APIs and features they support.

Mobile browsers may not suit rendering the animation seamlessly and continuously based on how imaginative designers get with the graphics. However, on a desktop, the computation and graphics power required to present the animation flawlessly and regularly are rather easy.

Battery Drainage

Smartphones have a limited battery that doesn’t last too long. So, HTML5 game development companies should be wary of making games that drain the battery constantly, as this could negatively impact the other primary functions of the mobile device.

Due to battery life problems, HTML5 games’ low power consumption is a major feature. This is because the volume of information an application must process is proportional to its power consumption.

If the game occupies a significant amount of processing time, the battery will die much faster than the player would prefer. Your mobile games should consume as little power as possible while ensuring a great gaming experience.

Final Remarks!

HTML5 game development is already booming in the game development industry, and the evolving technologies require a regular re-evaluation of governing factors in HTML5 game design.

Cubix is a solutions-driven HTML5 game development company that practices an adaptive approach toward game development. Our development experts deploy robust HTML5 game development tools to build interactive games having greater device compatibility.

Share your HTML5 game idea with us to build a terrific HTML5 game!



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