12 Reasons Why You Should Use React Native for Mobile App Development


22 Nov, 2019


6 min read

Why You Should Use React Native for Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is a complicated process. It requires a lot of time and investment from the developer and the client before it is ready for launch. However, advancements in technologies and innovations in the development framework make it possible to speed up the development time. Less time spent developing means faster deployment of the app in the market.

Faster development is one of the many reasons why cross-platform applications are preferred over native apps. mobile app development company using React Native framework offers more improvements in hybrid app development. Mobile app gurus claim it’s the future of cross-platform app development.

So, what is React Native? Let’s explore and see if it is worth investing in!

What is React Native?

Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook, is the mastermind behind the innovation, React Native. The idea for the framework was to make development simpler and improve user experience. Using JavaScript as the core programming language, React Native decreases development time and improves the performance of cross-platform apps.

React Native is a ‘native’ version of the ‘React’ web library built to improve cross-platform app development. The open-source application development framework develops native-like hybrid apps using the ReactJS library. The library can be shared between multiple platforms, making it easy to create apps for both iOS and Android platforms with one codebase.

Using the React JavaScript UI, developers code the user interface for both platforms with the same UI building blocks as used by iOS and Android native apps. They are later bridged with JavaScript and React, which allows the apps to work efficiently on both platforms.

Furthermore, React Native apps function like native apps. There is no difference in the performance of a React Native mobile app and a Native application built on Java, Objective-C, or Swift. Additionally, the attribute makes it possible for React Native apps to provide an excellent user experience and a smooth user interface.

Can you build mobile apps with react native?

Yes, of course! We can build multitasking mobile apps with React Native. It can be used to develop Android, iOS, and Web-based applications. The native feature of React is what makes it stand out among other cross-platform applications. React Native is widely used to create Hybrid (iOS + Android) applications.

How popular is react native for mobile app development?

React Native mobile apps have gained immense popularity in recent years. Instagram, Snapchat, and Netflix are among the apps built with React Native. In addition, leading global companies like Walmart, Microsoft, Tesla, Uber, Shopify, Meta, etc., have also opted for React Native for their tech stacks. From now on, the future of React Native appears to be bright. The ongoing Fabric project has the potential to transform the framework’s appearance. Furthermore, its large community of developers and cross-platform support will drive more users in the future. Most importantly, it is backed by no other than Facebook itself, which also illustrates “Why use react native.”

Is React Native Good for Mobile Apps?

React Native framework is the future for cross-platform app development, but the question is, why use React Native? The answer depends on the type of app you want to create.

React Native is designed to integrate web apps’ high-speed responsiveness and agility into hybrid app development. With efficient processing and a smooth user experience, apps built with react native provides a seamless native experience.

Here are some pros to decide why you should consider React Native:

Offers cross-platform mobile app development

The use of one codebase is one of the significant features of the React Native framework. Moreover, the cross-platform app developed using React Native has the same level of performance as a Native app.

React Native utilizes ReactJS with a native UI library and native APIs to write the base code of one application for multiple platforms. As a result, it eliminates the need to write separate code for the same app on different platforms. This feature simplifies development processes for the developer and saves time and money.

Low-cost investment and less development time

Developing a mobile app is a strategic move for businesses to survive in the current tech-savvy world. However, when starting a new business venture, money is tight for entrepreneurs. Therefore, you can’t go all out and invest in an idea without considering the pros and cons.

React Native mobile development offers a solution for it. With one codebase for both platforms, developing mobile apps with React Native takes less time than Native applications with separate source code for Android and iOS.

The less development time makes it possible to keep the overall cost low.

Additionally, faster development means you can launch the app and join the competition earlier than planned. Plus, with its single codebase feature, you can save on the cost of hiring separate experts for both iOS and Android development.

Get native-like performance at a faster speed

App development using react native overcomes the functionality gap where Native code is required. It enables the app to work with Native-like performance, and the single codebase means faster development cycles.

Additionally, Mobile app development using React Native employs a graphics processing unit to conveniently scale the apps’ user interface instead of the central processing units that are native processors. The difference allows for faster development and deployment, and improved application agility.

Simple UI

React Native uses the React JavaScript UI to design the apps’ user interface, resulting in a more responsive and faster UI with decreased load time and a better user experience.

The framework is ideal for developing simple apps without an intricate design. Simplicity is the prime attribute that makes the interface smooth and responsive.

Community-driven technology

The benefit of using community-driven technology is that all the data and documentation related to the technology are available to everyone. React Native is an example of such technology.

Another merit of having community support is that developers can share their expertise and find relevant information online. One can share their experiences, collaborate on projects, and get feedback from peers.

Reusable code & pre-built components

The cross-platform app development concept features a standard codebase that you can reuse for both iOS and Android apps. React Native works on the same principle, but React Native apps are equal to Native applications in terms of performance.

React Native follows the notion of ‘write once and launch everywhere.’ Ninety percent of the code is similar for both platforms, which adds to the convenience of the developers. They don’t need to design separate apps for each platform. Additionally, if a company has an existing web app, most of its code can be used to develop a React Native mobile app.

Furthermore, app development using react native can assist in reusing the pre-built components available in the open-source library. Reusing the code that someone else wrote for the feature you want in your app also decreases development time.

Support of third-party plugins

React Native is still in its infancy stage. So, it’s not surprising if some components are missing in the core framework.

As a countermeasure, the framework offers third-party plugin support. Two types of plugins applicable are Native Modules and JavaScript Modules. So, if you want to add Google Maps or Google Calendars, for example, to your basic app, then via React Native, you can link to any plugin with a Native or third-party module.

Future-proof framework

The speed with which the framework took over the market and its straightforward approach to solving development problems are proof that React Native development is the future for hybrid apps.

A single code is enough to develop apps for Android and iOS, which is convenient for removing bugs and fixing other errors. Even though React Native is usually utilized for simple app designs, the convenience and speed of development are what outshine the cons of the framework.

Builds stable, high-performing apps

React Native uses a simplified binding strategy for its codebase. So, to change one object, you need to modify its state before applying updates. It results in a more stable and reliable app than other cross-platform app development methods.

Additionally, the use of native APIs for rendering code instead of WebView results in better-performing apps.

Native controls and modules

The use of Native modules is a significant advantage of the React Native framework, making it worth using for mobile app development.

With React Native, you can limit the number of people on the development team. The use of Native API in its single codebase means that there is no need for platform-specific experts for both iOS and Android app development. You have the liberty to use one code on all platforms, which is convenient to create and maintain.

Dynamic experience for developers

Mobile app development using React Native offers developers a learning experience. They can make and apply any alteration to the program while running it without restarting.

Furthermore, developers can use flexbox to design app layouts for Android, iOS, and the web. They can integrate Chrome Developer tools to React Native and access the debugger and profiling tools.

If developers are shifting an existing application onto the React Native framework, they can incorporate the components into the current code regardless of its type.

Prompt live updates

JavaScript as its primary language enables developers to release updates without going through the app stores. React Native simplifies cross-platform app development, allowing developers to use tools to launch updates at short notice.

React Native mobile app development has some loop holes too

Not everything is perfect about mobile app development using react native for cross-platform development. Despite its immense potential, here are some things to consider when deciding on the framework for your next mobile app:

The future is subjective to Facebook’s commitment to its development.

The framework is still young, and not many components are available. Its immaturity, compared to other frameworks, impacts the performance of programs.

React Native is not the right choice for developing complex apps with animations, screen transitions, and other intricacies.

Lack of support for jQuery and CSS. jQuery relies on HTML DOM, and React Native is not compatible with it.

Should you use react native?

Considering the advantages and drawbacks, it is apparent that React Native has a future in cross-platform app development. The framework is an excellent choice to opt if you want:

  • Your app to be delivered faster
  • The development team to be a handful of people instead of a large group
  • To spend less time on the testing phase
  • Convenient bug fixing on all platforms

In a nutshell, React Native will be a cost-effective and future-proof investment for startups and enterprises.

The above-mentioned robust features answer the “why use react native” question. So, do you have an amazing app idea? Then, share it with our experts and get more insights for taking the best direction for your app.



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