For us, success means a satisfied and happy client. We always strive for long-term relationships with our clients based on trust and value.

Development Practices Manifesto
Our manifesto is not only part of Cubix's core principles; it is also what makes for a team of smart, energetic, and motivated people who know that working here is never just a job. Their passion and willingness translate into great customer relationships and the cutting-edge solutions that we develop.
We take great care in our recruitment process because we know the true worth of a position at the Cubix table. Our recruitment procedure is crafted to save job offers for talented programmers who can showcase exceptional performance. Several studies have mentioned that an exceptional programmer can be 10 times as productive as a mediocre one.
It is imperative that our development processes are based on the core belief that our programmers are of the utmost quality. Furthermore, we have faith in our personnel that they do the best possible things not just for Cubix but also for the project and the client.
Here are some of the most essential features of verification:
Review by Management: Project management needs to be conducted in a manner that paves the way for routine, simple visibility into their state. This helps not only in selecting the best candidates for the job but also in reviewing the overall development and design of the project. For management review, general project documentation is the most viable practice.
Review by Peer: Conducting regular code and design peer reviews is a must. This will aid in guaranteeing that every task has steadily stayed at the highest level. Furthermore, it will ensure a feasible way to pass on ideas and techniques throughout the organization. This review process ensures engagement among individuals and creates a sense of growth and learning on each level.
Review by Automation: Every code should be made so that it can be tested. A standard testing structure eases the code creation process, which can verify it is correct. This will make us upbeat regarding the code’s robust nature. Additionally, we will also be able to upgrade our designs as per the client’s later demands, and we will also avoid regression errors.
QA: It is imperative that personnel outside the development team comprehensively exercise the project. This should be done before the client(s) are permitted to review the created code. It is advised that this personnel send the project to the developers if he deems it necessary.
We believe that our employees, as well as their own projects, have a great deal of sophistication and complexity. Besides some essential practices, such as the style of coding and source management, the methodological “excesses” should be unique to the client and the project. At the time of a project initiation, it should be decided whether it is best to conduct a huge design in advance, even before creating code, or to utilize an iterative design approach. This is very important as the wrong match could end up resulting in the project’s failure.
The Right Balance
Our flexibility is directly related to the aim of finding “the right balance,” as we believe it is important to successfully complete every single project that offers what it is supposed to and even exceed expectations. While choosing practices to use on any given project, every single one should be selected with the acceptable strictness level in mind, as this will assist in attaining a successful project. It must be noted that any project that demands a lot of effort in its code and design documentation is likely to miss its deadline. Moreover, any project in which documentation is done without much effort can jeopardize the maintenance programmers’ success later on as they would be required to utilize their precious time and energies to reverse engineer the project – only to gain a better understanding of it.
We always opt for the appropriate tools and techniques that are the simplest.
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn.
“Kaizen means ongoing improvement involving everybody, without spending much money.”- Masaaki Imai
We try our best to ensure that our software development approach does not stagnate. This is why, as part of our work ethics, we count on our entire developer workforce to keep on looking for methods that allow the betterment of our work and practices—and this in both the smallest and the largest of details.
At Cubix, any fresh idea that adheres to our principles will be tested on small-level preliminary projects and thoroughly assessed. If it is successful, we will happily adopt it throughout the organization.